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Vocational STEAM Works Donation Page

Sooo How many tries did it take you to hit the moving target?
How good are you?
1 try "I'm that good!"Couple of times.3rd time was the charme.My mouse is slow.I didn't give up.
You can make this better by:
Have you donated to VSW in the past
Not at allA little bitonce a yearonce a quarter Once a mounth
Do you have a student that participtates with VSW?

Thanks for your feedback!

VSW Favorite way to receive Donations

At Vocational STEAM Works our favorite way to receive donations is through the PayPal Giving Fund.  PayPal Giving  Fund not only gives every dime to our organization, but they are also picking-up your credit card fees.  So, a $100.00 donation from you cost you $100.00, and VSW gets $100.00
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